What We Do

HostedCo.com helps equip you with the tools necessary to create your own website, blog, ecommerce store. From domain registration to first published web page, we’ll help you each step of the way. (If you’re more advanced at web development, head over to our store.) Otherwise, check out: A Beginner’s Guide To Creating A Website.

The Internet

The internet is growing, every second, every day.

But—how fast is it actually growing? Through statistical analysis from data sources amassed by Pingdom, Netcraft Ltd., Zakon.org and M. Gray at MIT, Worldometers’ algorithm estimates the total number of websites on the internet to surpass 1,000,000,000. On display at InternetLiveStats.com, one can view the breakdown of websites v. internet users v. users per website in a year-over-year table.

The internet is a beautiful, powerful thing. We formed HostedCo.com to help others harness the power of the internet, capture new opportunities, and create something great.

HostedCo is headquartered in sunny California but our network extends all over the world. Our team has over 15 years of experience in web development and is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

Check out our latest offerings at shop.hostedco.com today to see how you can make something great today.

And of course, we love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please Contact Us to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.

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